100 reviews, 100 rejections? Recruiting tips how to stay motivated when looking for a job

mc.today 24 Nov. 2023 17:37 Category:HR

"I see the target, I see no obstacles." Sound familiar? It is often used by dream-seeking candidates. However, even the most persistent of them may lose their hands if they fail to do so after dozens of reviews. The post for 100 reviews - 100 rejections? The advice of recruiters is not to lose motivation when looking for a job that's on MC.Today

Main mistakes and questions about plans for five years. Recruits gave advice on finding a job

mc.today 21 Nov. 2023 10:24 Category:HR

Everyone knows that the IT market is now a difficult one, especially for beginners. And yet, if you don't, you don't drink champagne. And for risk and effort not to be in vain, it is also necessary to present your knowledge correctly and avoid mistakes that will become obstacles to employment. The post Main errors and questions about plans for five years. Recruiters gave advice on finding a job that was first applied on MC.Today

parrot on your shoulder and an interview under the snow. Recruits reported unusual interviews

mc.today 16 Nov. 2023 18:08 Category:HR

As in life, there are chickens in work that you can write stories about. If you think you're the only one who's lucky enough to get into an uncomfortable situation, talk too much in an interview, or send a recruiter a picture of a cat (or something) instead of a document, don't worry, because you're definitely not alone. The post Parrot on your shoulder and an interview under the snow. Recruiters described an unusual interview with first appeared on MC.Today

Four traps in an interview that will cost you your job: Google's engineer told us how to avoid them

mc.today 30 Oct. 2023 18:27 Category:HR

Daniel Rizea, Director of Engineering at Google, writes about technology management and leadership. In his many years of career, he conducted more than a thousand interviews and identified four mistakes that even the best candidates could make. The post 4 interview traps that will cost you your job: Google's engineer told us how to avoid first apprehensived on MC.Today

kTok publishes a video of Ilon Mask, who "advertisses" free distributions crypt

mc.today 19 Sep. 2023 11:23 Category:HR

Criminals have been running fake distributions on social media for years on behalf of known people or companies. This time, Ilon Mask turned out to be a generous businessman. MC.Today, referring to the Bleeping Computer, explains in more detail how scammers drag users into their schemes. The post in TikTok publishes a video with Ilon Mask, which "advertisses" the free distribution of the first appeared on MC.today

Do not repeat in real life: as a Ukrainian worked in three marketing agencies at the same time and what came out of it

mc.today 1 Jun. 2023 17:15 Category:HR

If you haven't done what you planned for yesterday again, maybe you're just overworked. Rest, and while you're recovering, imagine doing the same thing, but doing three jobs at the same time. There's only one condition: The number of hours per day does not change. Do not repeat in real life: As a Ukrainian, he worked in three marketing agencies at the same time, and what came out of it was first applied on MC.today

Until the papers are signed, you two are nothing. What's in common with recruiting and looking for an apartment in Lviv?

mc.today 1 Jun. 2023 11:22 Category:HR

Lion! The city is a new creature and victory. The first point in my plan of action is to rent a place, a quest. Catch some sites than finding candidates is like finding an apartment in Lviv. Here we go. What's in common with recruiting and searching for an apartment in Lviv first apprehensed on MC.Today?

You find recruiters in cafes, parks, pottery and even in their homes. How did I get the job in two days and what I recommend?

mc.today 26 May. 2023 10:27 Category:HR

This text had to start like this: "Hey, everybody. I found a new job in two days. You can learn about how to do that in my master class." The post Find recruits in cafes, parks, marinas and even in their homes. How did I get the job in two days and that I recommend first apprehensive on MC.Today

Recruiter said: "It's not serious. We need to expand the network." How I developed my Linkedin to 5,000 contacts in 10 months

mc.today 25 May. 2023 16:10 Category:HR

5,000 - yesterday the number of contacts on my network at Linkedin reached this point. The post Recruiter said: "It's not serious. We need to expand the network." How I developed my Linkedin to 5,000 contacts on MC.Today in 10 months

"I didn't do anything about "working at the strategic level." How to check the professional schills at a technical interview

mc.today 24 May. 2023 11:23 Category:HR

difficult and important to evaluate hard scills during a technical interview. Especially if it's not a Junior Director, it's, like, señor salves. Middlewells, a good product, and any other person with developed speech skills can try to talk to a recruiter like on this screen shot. How to test professional schills at the first appeared on MC.Today technical interview

All the candidates with their eyes on fire are long in line for an eyeball. How to understand that a vacancy is poorly written

mc.today 19 May. 2023 12:23 Category:HR

You write a vacancy, but you don't know if you're good at it? We'll figure out in this column how to understand that your vacancy is poorly written. The post all candidates with their eyes on fire are long in line for the eye. How to understand that a vacancy is written badly on MC.Today

"People are lazy working on themselves." The market that screams "no job"

mc.today 18 May. 2023 15:10 Category:HR

see posts in the tape about how hard it is to find a first job in 2023. I want to show the other side of this question. The post "People Lazy Working On Yourself." It's about a market that screams "no work" first appreciated on MC.Today

Instead of LinkedIn, does he have Instagram meditation? 8 questions for himself before paying a job seeker

mc.today 17 May. 2023 11:04 Category:HR

When I arrived in Canada, there was no such overwhelming number of "job seekers" for the Ukrainian target audience as it is. Today I think there are more of them than there are those looking for a job. The post instead of LinkedIn, he has Instagram with meditations? Eight questions for himself before paying a job seeker who's on MC.Today

not okay to cry and lose weight and stutter over work. Three of the hottest signs that it's time to quit

mc.today 10 May. 2023 11:45 Category:HR

Let's talk about what's important - how do we know it's time to change jobs? It's not okay to cry, lose weight and stutter because of work. Three of the hottest signs that it's time to quit first apprehensived on MC.Today

Five years of searching, $400 for text. Why it's so hard to find a copier for business and how to do it?

mc.today 27 Apr. 2023 13:58 Category:HR

scary to say, but I've had a copier job for over five years. I collected thousands of reviews, talked to hundreds of candidates, and I ended up writing myself. The post five years of searching, $400 a text. Why it's so hard to find a copier for business, and how do you still make first appeared on MC.Today?

The owner involved enthusiasts and then fired them for being active. What types of employees and what your business needs

mc.today 26 Apr. 2023 11:00 Category:HR

approached by a business owner who sought to systematize it. She attracted enthusiasts who wanted to bring in new and creative ones, but the owner didn't. The post Owner involved enthusiasts and then fired them for being active. What types of employees are there and what kind of business your first appeared on MC.Today needs

Chat bot to communicate with candidates at Deloitte, Google interview analysis software. How they're looking for a giant company

mc.today 25 Apr. 2023 11:24 Category:HR

Every private vacancy for a recruiter is a small victory, and for a company a great asset. Because companies create people, it's the employees who determine the future of business. So to find the best, you have to use the best tools. The Post Chatbot to communicate with candidates at Deloitte, Google interview analysis software. How they're looking for the guitar company's first apprentice on MC.Today

Speak straight, or the employees will come up with something for you. How Communication Changed in Ukraine's Business

mc.today 27 Mar. 2023 13:43 Category:HR

Internal communications are communications between the company and its employees. We use different channels: From corporate mail to Telegram chat bots. The objective of internal communications is to create synergies between the various units and to inform staff of the company ' s objectives and news. You speak straight, or the workers will come up with something for you. How the communications in the Ukrainian business have changed as first appeared on MC.Today

The "preparation" of the summary is no longer operational. Five steps that helped me find a job at Deloitte Canada

mc.today 6 Mar. 2023 13:47 Category:HR

This is an account of my experience with people who are now looking for jobs in Europe and Canada. The post "Elevation" of the summary is no longer available for specific vacancies. Five steps that helped me find a job at Deloitte Canada first appeared on MC.Today

We're looking for people when they burn. The difference between Ukrainian recruitment and US and European markets

mc.today 20 Feb. 2023 17:15 Category:HR

You know what makes us different from the markets of Europe and the States? The desire and ability to build a relationship is a relationship. Let's talk more about it. We're looking for people when they burn. What makes Ukraine's recruitment different from the US and European markets is first applied on MC.Today

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